The Transparent Tribe
We are #womenintheword.
What The Transparent Tribe offers:
Finally, a group of women who all share the same desire; to simply read, study, and understand God’s word more. You are not alone in this journey. The Transparent Tribe is a safe space to walk this road together and fellowship with other women through our Facebook Group, monthly video chats, and local meet ups!
Let’s face it, we are probably more likely to show up when someone else is waiting on us. Well, the Transparent Tribe sisters are waiting on you to share your thoughts on God’s Word in our private Bible Reading Plan in the Bible App! Did you complete your Bible reading for today?
Have you ever said to yourself while reading, “Did the Bible really just say that!?” Girl, we have to. The Transparent Tribe is all about asking hard questions, discussing controversial topics, sharing our honest thoughts, agreeing to disagree, and growing closer to God all the while.
The Transparent Tribe is definitely for you if you are:
A new Christian
An old Christian with a desire to press deeper into God’s word
Not a Christian but genuinely curious about what the Bible is really all about
A very busy woman who struggles with prioritizing studying the Bible
A Christian with absolutely no idea about how to study the Bible
A Christian who knows how to study the Bible but who is in need of accountability and community
A Christian with a lot of questions about what the Bible teaches
What does The Transparent Tribe do?
Read the Bible from cover to cover as many times as we can.
Learn to use different Bible Study methods.
Meet monthly for live discussion, Q&A sessions, and review of study techniques.
Ask each other genuine questions about the Bible
Provide access to Bible study tools and references.
Share our transparent testimonies and encourage one another
The Transparent Truth is, you have no excuse not to join The Tribe. I will see you in The Bible App, sis!
The Transparent Tribe