The Transparent Truth Blog
Practical, honest, and transparent lessons about how to apply the truth of God’s word in relationships, career pursuits, and life’s everyday moments.
My Journey to Modesty: From Crop Tops to Christ-Centered Confidence
This post is specifically for Christian women who have been in the faith for a while, especially married Christian women. We need to talk about modesty in fashion. Is there a one-size-fits-all rule for modesty? Does it look different depending on culture or region? And do we truly understand what the Bible says about modesty? These are all questions we’ll explore in this post. But first, let me share my own journey in discovering modesty.
When Faith Meets Profession: My Experience with Sharing the Gospel at Work
I've gone through these thoughts myself, struggling with the idea of evangelism. However, there was one time when I could not ignore the conviction to share the gospel at work.. Here is the story how I remember it.
Your Guide to Christian YouTube: Channels That Offer More Than Just Sermons
If you're searching for content that challenges your mind while nurturing your faith, look no further! I've rounded up some of my favorite thought-provoking and spiritually enriching YouTube creators. From former atheists turned passionate believers to hip-hop artists who double as cultural commentators, these YouTubers are making waves in the digital space.
4 Practical Ways to Prioritize Your Relationship with God
It is imperative that we figure out how to practically achieve prioritizing our relationship with God for the sake of, well - literally everything else that's happening in our lives.
Setting Priorities as a Christian, Married, Career woman.
I tried very hard to make things better. But what I learned is, as much as I love my husband, and as desperately as I want to have a happy marriage and a successful career, those desires cannot come before having a healthy relationship with God.
Thank you for visiting the blog, sis! I hope you enjoyed the good reads. If you have any questions or a topic you would like for me to write about, please don’t hesitate to ask!